
The naval
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Looking for a new
Naval PC Game?
Lost Admiral Returns for great naval game action!
Experience many naval battles in Lost Admiral Returns as an abstract World War
2 game. Combat is simplified enough to give you the flavor of the naval battles involved, while focusing on the larger strategic picture.
Lost Admiral features the
archetypes of naval strategy game action, with
submarines killing their
favorite prey of large capitol ships,
while destroyers do their
best to protect the fleet and hunt down
this submarine menace.
Battleships do the heavy work
of blowing up all enemy resistance, while
Carriers scout out the
opposition, and complement all battle
In all battles, outmaneuvering
then enemy is the key to victory. Enjoy the deep fun of Lost Admiral Returns as a great naval strategy game.
View a more thorough description of the game, or visit the walkthrough. Games can be played out in as little as 20 minutes for small battles. |
There are also many special
missions in Lost Admiral Returns which bring special
attention to unusual battle challenges. A few
examples include helping
rescue long lost crewmembers,
reinforcing nearby oceanic
war zones, and
helping Intel Ops to do it's daring raids for
secrets (both your own, and the enemies).
New special missions are always just around the
corner waiting to be discovered in LAR, so join this
fun naval warfare game and try LAR now! |
You will be in charge of your
fleet, both it's initial makeup and its operations
after combat is started. choose your favorite
balance of ships... will you
specialize in Battleships like the
British? Will your
submarines be the menace of the high
seas? Will you smash the enemy with
superior air power?
Or slink around all of his battle lines with
endless hordes of Destroyers
and PT Boats? |
And always, the end fate of each
pc naval game will depend on how well you keep control of
the cities involved in that battle. No matter
how good or bad your ships do in combat, keeping
those cities owned by your side is the key to
victory. So do not get lost in the thirst for
glorious action when your homelands need you to win
the big picture... |
Find out more about Lost Admiral Returns as a great World War II
naval game by reading the description of the game or downloading the trial version. |

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