you like
Chess Strategies and Puzzles?
Try the chess-like
decision making in the Lost Admiral
Returns strategy naval game!
Lost Admiral Returns gives you
a whole new experience reminiscent of the Chess Game genre.
Study the battle board, plan
your moves for all your ships based on the
predictable, fixed damage combat
system. Decide where each of your ships
can do the most harm to the
enemy, while taking
the least damage back. Use Battleships
against enemy Destroyers, Submarines against enemy
Battleships, and your Destroyers against enemy
Submarines. Develop your
own strategy for what kind of ships to use,
how to attack with them, and how to set up the enemy for
such attacks, very reminiscent of chess.
Out think and out maneuver your enemy
like you would in a chess
game! Try Lost Admiral Returns today and
discover a whole new fun world of deep thinking.
Like pieces in a chess game,
the ships of LAR have varied abilities in movement,
resistance to damage, and attack
intensity. Battleships move like Carriers and
Cruisers, and pack a hard punch and resist damage.
Manipulating a LAR battleship in tactical and
strategic maneuvers can make or break your attack and
defense. On the opposite extreme, PT boats are
very small, but but very fast, and able to raid
distant enemy home cities.
LAR has the challenge of Chess Puzzles:
Every turn you will be
faced with critical choice in LAR. Send your last
powerful Battleship to help
conquer an enemy city, or
spare your own from conquest?
Use your last two submarines to
claim more victory points,
or are you ahead enough to let the subs
help finish the critical special
"Recon" mission for this battle?
clean combat resolution
of LAR lets you plan out what
will most likely happen based on these
dilemmas of where your overextended ships should go.
Just like Chess puzzles,
you will be able to piece together a plan, execute it,
and reap the rewards of good planning. Just be
prepared if the enemy surprises you with an occasional
unexpected move.

In the Battle at
Jutland, the British and German navies
demonstrated the power of Battleships, and the power of
fixated strategic thinking. In LAR,
you design your navy fleets,
and can pursue any mix of ships you think will do the
job of winning the war. What kind of ships would
you focus on?
You can also create your own customized
Flagships in the spirit of famous World War II battleships
and carriers. Sort of like
designing your own unique queen
and king pieces in Chess Spend your LAR perk points to add extra “armor” or make the ship faster…
Play LAR to explore new avenues
of Chess-like strategies and puzzles...
For traditional chess puzzles,
try this nice collection.
For traditional chess strategies,
try this nice chess site.