The latest information on Lost Admiral Returns can be found at the official website at www.lostadmiralreturns.com. The third tutorial covers city resources in Lost Admiral Returns, how to build new ships with such resources, along with some more manuvers for Submarines and how to use Cruisers. Run the tutorial to walk through these aspects of the LAR game. You can also use the Help and Advice Screens built into every menu in the game to learn more about various parts of the game. Specific lessons in Tutorial 3 are:1) How to see what Resources each city generates. Use the city list menus on both the unit selection menus, during movement, or by looking at the landscape around cities on the movement map to see what useful resources each city offers.
Earn Victory Points to win the battle:Each city you can claim for your side by using a Transport type of ship will earn you the city's Victory Points at the end of each turn. Regardless of how your warships are faring on the battlefield, what counts in the end is the Victory Points you earn from your cities during the game. Some battles will require you to simply earn more total Victory Points by the end of the battle than your opponent to win. Other battles will give you a better starting position than the enemy, and therefore you will be expected to earn significantly MORE Victory Points than the enemy to win. I.E. Your starting position might be good enough that you must earn 30% more Victory Points than your opponent just to "break even" and barely win the battle. If you earn 25% more VPs than the enemy, you will LOSE the battle (by an adjusted 5% percent, so to speak).
Flow of turns in LAR:In LAR, battles are fought between the Red Player and Yellow Player for a specific number of turns. Your goal is to earn enough Victory Points to defeat your opponent by the end of the battle. This goal is listed as a percent of your opponent's VP Total that you must make. I.E. score VPs of your own equal to 130% of your opponents to win on a map and start setup that favors you. You will have only a certain number of turns to achieve this score ratio (or better) in. Each game will have a setup stage, and then turns broken down into phases as follows:
This manual is broken up into sections explaining how to play the game, how the program menus work, and other details of interest to players of Lost Admiral Returns. Please use the menu bar on the left to navigate the manual. If you have questions, please visit our forum and look for help there. If you find an error or omission in this manual, please email us at support@fogstone.com Thank you for trying out Lost Admiral Returns! Click here to to buy Lost Admiral Returns and get access all the new fun stuff! Click here to download the trial version of Lost Admiral Returns.
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